Saturday, December 15, 2012

15th Dec 2012

It's only 3pm on a Saturday, and I'm done with most of the things I wanted to do today. 

Started with Yoga class. Today, headed for a non hot Yin Yoga class. First time trying this class, enjoyed it. It's the way Yoga should be... Mindful and relaxing. Hot yoga can be abit too much at times. I think I will be looking at non hot yoga classes after my current package with Hom Yoga ends. Interesting week, tried both Hot Flow and Yin Yoga class, both for the first time ^^

Did my necessities shopping, borrowed some books, collected my registered parcel... 

It dawned on me that for a long time now, I barely had time to read a novel. Having time to read a novel is becoming a luxury to me these days. It will be one of my resolutions to take the time to read a novel. Read because I enjoy it. Not because I had to. 

And because I'm feeling restless, I thought I should start my Happiness Project now. Today. I know it would make more sense to start on 1st Jan 2013. But considering that I'm going to be on a 26days trip from Feb to Mar, I think I should probably start now. After all, the earlier I start, the better? ^^

Also, since Im dedicating my first item to "Boost Energy", figured that it would be wonderful to start 2013 on a more energetic note. 

Referencing from "The Happiness Project", here are my 12 commandments. (Came up with them before I went to bed last night. Had to. My mind wouldn't let me rest until they are all written down.)

  1. Act the way you want to feel
  2. What do I really, really, really want? Go for it.
  3. Get a grip on yourself. One bad thing is not a bad day. Or a bad life. (Or bug's life as I normally call it)
  4. If you can't get out of it, get into it. 
  5. Love life, and life will love you back.
  6. Love yourself. The longest relationship you will ever have is with yourself.
  7. When one loves, one does not calculate.
  8. Stop the venting and complaining.
  9. Never bother with the people you hate
  10. Identify the problem
  11. Give thanks for everything. Be thankful. 
  12. Be loving and love will find you.
Focusing on a different subject each month. My list of subjects for each month is not complete yet. I know I will be including stuff like : Passion, Work, Love, Money, attitude, mindfulness. But still deciding what to add on to the list to finalize it. 

Starting Dec with "Boost energy and be healthier", the basic ingredient for this project. Basically a few resolutions for boosting energy, and be healthier. Both physically and emotionally.

How this project works, is by adding new resolutions every month, based what the next area I want to work on.

So here goes. Resolutions for Dec. 
  1. Go to sleep earlier. Get sufficient sleep.
  2. Exercise better. 
  3. Toss, restore, organize
  4. Tackle a nagging task
  5. Meditate
  6. Take my eyes off the computer for at least 5 min after every 1 hour of usage. 
  7. Every week, keep one day for yourself. Go off the grid. Note that there are various definitions for going off the grid. In this case, I'm referring to going offline. No computer. No data connection when using mobile. No Facebook xD
  8. Eat at least 3 meals a day, at normal timings. Stop skipping meals.
  9. Drink more water.

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