Friday, December 27, 2013

27th Dec 2013

Time flies, 2013 coming to an end soon. Been busy the last few months... Busy tweaking my life to be healthier... Exercising frequently, clean eating. Added and will be adding more superfood to my diet : Kale, Quinoa, Maca, Cacao, Raw honey, extra virgin coconut oil, cinnamon, sea salt.. etc 

Some thoughts on clean eating and healthy lifestyle...

I love clean eating, but that does not mean I dun eat other things. Just that generally, I opt for more nutrient dense superfood whenever possible. I mean, why would you want to eat stuff that does not benefit, and in fact might harm your health? 

And no, healthy != unappetising -_-

Apparently, when you tell people you eat clean.. you start getting those "looks"... Most people equate healthy with unappetising, yucky food. 

EH HELLO... Seriously, if you even think about it : If the food doesnt taste nice, no one wouldn eat it. And if healthy/organic/gluten food really taste that bad? No one would buy it... Those companies selling them would have closed shop long ago -.-: 

The reason why organic / gluten free / healthy food business are still around, its becos they taste good and are healthy.... Just that you probably gotta pay more for it :)

Also, the food that I eat, may be uncommon here in Sg, but its very commonly eaten in other parts of the world -.- Eg, Quinoa, maca... Staple food in some parts of the world. So if healthy means unappetising.. The part of the world where its commonly eaten.. Are they eating unappetising food all the time? Anyone with a bit of common sense should know that can't be true?

There are many reasons that push people to start looking at what they eat. Usually its only when they start having serious health problems, body breaks down, etc, before they would acknowledge that they need to eat healthier.. and start exercising.. 

Ultimately, lifestyle choices are very personal. No one should be judged for choosing healthy / clean eating ;)

And seriously, I love what I eat! Now I just need to add some high grade organic matcha to my list and I will be done :D Yum :9

Other than healthy living, Im learning about fundamental analysis for stocks, Technical analysis, and also Forex. 

Looking forward to 2014! Gonna be a few busy weeks while I learn more about using Price Action on Forex and Stocks. And also my upcoming trip to South Korea in Mar 2014 :D