Friday, November 28, 2014

28th Nov 2014 Friday

I overheard this conversation between a daughter and her mother today at SGH. The daughter was berating the mother for not listening to the doctor. 

The mother was an elderly, who is not keen to control her diet for the sake of her high cholestrol levels. The daughter was telling the mother to eat more vegetables, etc. Talking to her about inflammation in the body. The mother seem to be very stubborn, and was eating a snack. Something deep fried. 

Sounds like stuff I would advise my frens. Though from experience, it would mostly be one ear in, the other ear out -_- " The response I get is mostly the fact that its impossible. 

Huh? So Im doing the impossible? Yay :D

Ah well.. lifestyle choices are something very personal. Too personal. It would be hard to try to change anyone's mind abt how they are living / eating /etc. Not to mention, its probably none of my business. Need to stop commenting, even if I feel I should. Haha. 

And definitely wise to find a partner who is supportive of healthy eating. 

Been busy, busy, busy since Oct 1, which marked the start of my Whole 30. Intially, I tot W30 would be tough. But somehow, I breeze through it ^^ After that, I started tweaking my lifestyle to make it more aligned with Paleo. And surprisingly, this is tougher. 

W30 is straight forward. You simply eat accordingly for 30days. Simple enough. Paleo on a regular basis is tougher. Even if its 80/20 ratio of Paleo/non Paleo meals. Becos now you have to track your 20% non Paleo meals. 

And I've noticed a difference when I eat too much non Paleo stuff. I feel really tired and sluggish. Zzz. 

Currently, other than eating a 80/20 ratio of Paleo/non Paleo meals, exercising regularly, Im also trying to eliminate chemicals from my life. As much as possible. This is also an attempt to simplify my life and also to go green. 

Such lofty goals, I would never imagine myself thking along these lines 10yrs ago. Time indeed changes people. 

My haircare, skincare and bodycare are all going chemical free. Currently, still using a mix of my current storebought products + Natural products. Need to finish them up. Hope to do a total switch to all natural chemical free products soon. 

As a result of going W30 and Paleo, I ended up saving money becos Im mostly cooking at home. Meal prep can be tough, but I can actually say I love cooking :D Esp soups and desserts :9

Trying to sort out the other aspects of my life as well. 

Spring cleaned quite a few sections of my room in the past 2mths. But still messy. More spring cleaning to go. 

Trying to do trading, not doing so well. Need more practise. 

Pondering what the hell do I really want in this life. Whats the most important to me. Still pondering.