Thursday, December 31, 2015

31st Dec 2015

The last day of the year is always a good day to blog. This year's been a good year, lesson wise. There's always a lesson in everything that happen. 

Finished up my list of lifetime goals few days back. Took me about 2hours on a very focused afternoon to finish, and Im not sure if I got them all. Grand total of 117 goals. Pretty sure I will be adding more... I divided them into 3 categories : Skill sets(21), Experiences / Achievements(51), Places to Go(45). Note that for places to go, one country is only listed once. 

Also, gonna be picking around 12 goals for each month of next year, which may or may not be from this list of life time goals. That's probably the part where it gets interesting. By giving myself some kind of a monthly deadline, shall see if Parkinson’s Law kicks in.

Jan : Two goals at one go, becos they are related and #50 is basically passive
(Item #48 under Experiences / Achievements) : 
Reduce items owned (Except for food items) to fit into my 24 inch luggage. 

Basically, it would meant that by end of Jan, my entire life should fit into a luggage which I can just check in and take off anywhere I want, literately living out of a suitcase. The rest of the stuff that I don't want/need to bring along when I travel but will need when Im not travelling, should fit into a box. Books will definitely go here. 

Obviously, it will exclude : desk, computer, bed, wardrobes and stuff that are not portable. Food, which obviously I'm not going to bring when I travel. And other necessities that I happen to have in excess at the moment. eg tissue paper / toothpaste / etc... 

(Item #50 under Experiences / Achievements) :
Not buying new clothes/ fashion items for a year (365days)

Exception : New shoes to replace worn out ones. My heels seem to get destroyed at an alarming rate. 

Feb (Item #49 under Experiences / Achievements) : 
Clear all photo backlogs of trips to date

This would comprise of : 
2012 : Japan
2013 : Arctic
2014 : South Korea
2015 : Taiwan(Jan, June), Vietnam

It's been.. at least 5yrs since I last had NO backlogs for my travel photos.

Time for a holiday. And create new photo backlogs again... (just kidding). 
Yet to decide where. But I love travelling in Mar. I'll probably pick one off my list of places to go.

April to Dec
Random mix of goals I would like to achieve, things that will probably take longer than 1mth to complete, and maybe things that can all be done at the same time. This list is still a works in progress. 

Friday, December 25, 2015

24th Dec 2015

It's Xmas Eve! One of my favourite days of the year :D

After a nice Xmas Eve lunch with the gals and some random window shopping in Orchard and a simple salad dinner, I headed home. Nothing exciting, just settle down on the bed, and watch a few episodes of Modern Family. Simply perfect. To be honest, I'm a really homely person, and dislike crowds. I can foresee myself staying home the next 2 days :D 

2015 had gone by in a flash, and 2016 is coming up really soon. 

Alot had happened this yr.

Rs wise, sure I had my heart broken, but Im not ready to admit that finding the one who is perfect for me, is never going to happen. I used to thk that my last ex was someone special, becos I used to think that it's so hard to fall for a person. Until I met someone else this yr, and fell for him. Too bad that did not work out. He wasn't right for me, and I cut the cord before anything started. But at least, I know that I can, and I will meet someone else I am going to like and will fall for. Life pretty much goes on regardless. If the door closes on one RS, just lock it, throw the damn key away and find another door. It's really that simple.

But at this point in time, I simply don't think I can give a RS my full attention, therefore I will not actively seek a RS. But if it's meant to be, Im sure it will find me, regardless. 

Going to be focusing my energy and time on other areas of my life. Money and health / wellbeing. After reading The 4-hour work week, quite a few things fall into place and a lot of thoughts are running around in my head : 

There's alot to do, even more not to do. Time really is a luxury. You only have one life. Why waste it living the same experience everyday of your life, when you could be living many different experiences over the span of your life? A job should be a life experience, not just something u do everyday to make ends meet. 

Looking forward to 2016.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

3 Dec 2015

Its been a very busy Nov. Thinking, read, researching, trying out new strategies, methods. Constantly upgrading my "brain" in one way or the other.

Minimising the amount of stuff I own, almost every weekend and whenever Im free.

Drastically reducing the amount of clothes in my wardrobe is quite a challenge. Would you bother wearing clothes if they only look ok on you? Why not just stick to clothes that look great on you? If thats the case, why keep those clothes that are only "ok" on you? 

Problem: easier said than done.

Attempting to use up products I have is also a challenge. The amount of skincare, haircare, bodycare and "whatever-care" products I have on my table, is insane.

Exhausted from so much physical and mental activities, took a mini break from everything for a few days. Had some fun at Megazip Adventure Park. Levelled up my fearlessness for sure. Haha. 

Came upon this article last yr Nov :
And decided , I only had time for two things. I decided there and then, it was to be money and health.

And strangely, not long after, Love found me. Sort of.

And now it's time to choose again.

Life is a game, time to start leveling up your character properly.

I made a list of 101 Life Goals not long ago. Its still in progress. I thk I'm up to item 7x for the list. One of those things is to become a Hypnotist. I thk that shall be one of those things Im going to do for 2016. 

Currently reading The 4-Hour Work Week. Fast becoming my favourite book, almost impossible to put down. lol