Wednesday, April 15, 2015

15th April 2015

Been a few mths of trading. Still very unstable. Will have to see how it all goes. Have to stabilize it somehow. I have to.

Recently, a lot of tots running around in my mind all the time. So many things. It's exhausting. Thking is probably one of the most exhausting thing ever...

Sometimes you find urself in situations you cannot change. You feel trapped, cornered, frustrated.

I find myself not wanting to go out. Just waning to lie in bed all day n do nothing. Feeling drained.

And not knowing how to shake off that crappy mood.

At one point, I wondered if I'm depressed. But I don't think I'm there yet. But definitely stressed out.

Would be very nice... More than nice actually... to be able to just take off... To somewhere far far away...