Saturday, March 21, 2015

21st Mar 2015

I went to bed early last night. It had been an exhausting week and I didn't want to have a meltdown. 

Sometimes you don't even realised how exhausted you are until you finally hit bottom of the tank.

I guess I thought too highly of myself. Thking I could handle everything on my plate.

Feeling drained. Physically. Emotionally. 

Sleep. I missed you so much. 

One of those days where I just wanted to lie in bed. Doing nothing constructive or anything requiring any thking. I thk I doze off somewhere, while trying to quieten the thoughts in my mind... And realising that you can't simply blank out your thoughts.. You can only replace the thoughts you don't want, with something else as a distraction.

Lazy day, good day for watching sex and the city. Of the 4 of them, I see some of me in Charlotte, but mostly Carrie. I see her feeling insecure over the little things, which unfortunately meant alot to her, and very little to the man she is dating. 

Personally, I think that all women have simple wishes. They just wanted someone to love and to be loved in return. The way they needed to be loved. 

Did it ever occur to men that, if you do not love a person the way she needs to be loved, its only "love" to you, not her? 

I'm guessing not. 

Finding someone you can fall in love with is already hard enough. Finding that someone who feels the same, is even harder. And finding someone who is able and willing to love you the way you want to be loved? Well... 

Its bullshit when men say they don't want you to change for them. Obviously one party has to in a RS. Guess who?

Why is it always the women who have to change and not the men? Simply becos "You can't change a man"? Of course not. 

Women have to change themselves and adapt to the things men "can't" change. 

On the other hand, men always changes when it suits them. Most noticeably, are the things they do to get you. You would be lucky to even see a shred of those things left after being in a RS. Their reasoning? It's not "realistic" to do on a long term basis. 

And since when does showing someone how much you care and love them becomes something you can't do on a long term basis? 

If you love someone, why would it become a chore to do anything for them? 

Starting a RS is not hard. Maintaining one, is. 

Rs do not die of natural causes, ever. They die becos you stop doing things to keep it alive. 

Women do not overthink. Men underthink. 

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