Friday, October 9, 2015

9th Oct 2015

In one of those moods where you have loads of stuff going thru your mind, so much that you can't and don't even know how to start processing or talking about them. 

Solitude is strangely comforting at this point in time. I just want to be left alone with my thoughts. 

Still trying to make my goals happen. Kept feeling so stuck. Thinking, is this really what I want?

If I really wanted it, why is it so hard to feel motivated?

I recalled this movie scene in Titanic, where Rose attempted to jump off the ship. 

"And all the while I feel like I'm standing in the middle of a crowded room, screaming at the top of my lungs, and no one even looks up."

Thats the kind of feeling Im feeling. 



If life is a puzzle, it felt like Im misplacing all the pieces in this puzzle of life. 

I hate the feeling I get when I caught myself wondering : Wtf am I doing? 

And then I do it again anyway the next time. ZZz.  

There are so many things I want to do, yet don't want to do. 

Bloody mid life crisis. Or maybe Im overdosing on Sugar. Haha. 

I think I need to go meditate or do a W30 or something. 


  1. me too.. at the same stage. nice description "screaming at the top of my lung and no one hears it" but maybe drawing a timeline will help... e.g to attain x baby steps in x amount of time, measure the progress, if fail, what actions to remedy the failure, and this repeats more than 3 times, then time to stop it... not giving it up, but create a brand new goal.... I'll let you know my baby step to be attained by Christmas. :)

  2. Ha, same! For trading wise, Im tracking my progress until end Dec and see where to go from there!

    As for the rest of the stuff I should have done long ago.. time to "eat those frogs"...
